The sibling or additional seat discount can be set up for a session, for a program, or at the provider level. More details about the discount for a program or at the provider level can be checked from here.
To configure Sibling or Additional Seats discount for a Session:
- From the Provider Dashboard, on the menu to the left, under “Camps & Classes” click on “Sessions List”.
- Click the menu icon to the far right of a session and then click “Edit” from the menu.
- Go down to the “Additional options” section and click the link labeled “+ see discounts for additional seats”.
- Remove the check from the box next to “Same as the program's additional-seat price”. Enter the discounted price for additional seats.
- Set a bundle name as needed. Sessions with the same bundle name will be bundled together. When a parent purchases multiple seats across different sessions that belong to the same bundle, the first seat is sold at the full price and the remaining seats are sold with the specified discounted price for additional seats. This discount is also applied regardless of how much time has passed since the first purchase.
- Click the “Save” button to save the updates.
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