1. I don't have a business tax ID, how can I set up a Stripe account?
"If you do not have an EIN and are an individual (not an LLC, Sole Proprietor, etc.) you can generally use your SSN in place of the EIN." - Stripe's help page: Signing up for a US Stripe account without a tax ID or employer ID number.
2. Why do I need to enter an SSN or birthdate for Stripe?
"This information is required as part of Stripe’s mandatory identity verification requirement" - Stripe's help page on Date of birth and Social Security Number (SSN) requirement for US Stripe accounts.
3. I don't have a website, which link can I use to set up a Stripe account?
You can always use your 6crickets portal link, please check 6crickets' help article on how to get it.
For other Stripe-account-related questions, please reach out to Stripe support at <support@stripe.com>. You will also be able to online chat with Stripe's support team after logging in from stripe.com. The stripe support team will not discuss any detail of your Stripe account with us from 6crickets per their privacy policy.
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