At any time, you can log in your 6crickets account to update the student's information. For example, you can change your response to waiver forms or the questions set up by the providers or schools.
1. Navigate to your school’s registration portal
This is where you signed your child up for programs. Usually, you can find a link on your school’s or district’s website. If not, search for your school on the home page.
2. Head to your profile
Now on the registration portal, in the top right corner of the website, Log in and click on the account letter > click on "Edit students".
3. Click the name of the student to edit a student's profile
4. Find the Questions or Waiver questions
Using the category tabs to the left, navigate through the different sections of your child’s profile to add information or make changes.
A few things to note:
- You may see "READ ONLY" tabs, which means information on those tabs are sync-ed from your district's student information system and can't be edited from 6crickets.
- The category tabs labeled with "Fill" are the ones that need to be updated.
- The fields with an asterisk (*) are required fields—the rest are optional.
- Be sure to click the pink “Save and Continue” button at the bottom of each section to save your changes before moving onto another section or exiting.
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