The revenue report includes all the details about the payments, refunds, fees, amount paid to your account etc. The revenue report of your school can be downloaded from your School Dashboard > "Reporting" > "Revenue report".
- Inputting "From" and "To" dates will show the transactions made in a specific time period.
- Click on "Show Report" to see the fees and donations from the registrations of each provider's programs.
- A .csv file with detailed information for each transaction could be downloaded by clicking the "Download Report" button.
About the downloaded revenue report (how to read the report)
The downloaded revenue report (transactions.csv) is a spreadsheet with one row for each transaction. A transaction is any event where money is moved or promised, including cases where the amount of money just happens to be zero, like the purchase of a free class. (Creating a subscription is not a transaction, because money is never paid or even owed until later, on the subscription start date, and the subscriber is free to end the subscription before then.)
Columns containing data about the transaction.
date_time: The moment the transaction occurred (money moved or promise made) in ISO-8601 format (yyyy-dd-mmThh:mm:sszzzzz where zzzzz is the timezone as an offset from UTC). This is the column that is filtered for a limited-date-range report.
type: The type of transaction, either purchase (a purchase made by a parent via checkout or by an admin via Add Student), autopay (an automatic payment for an installment plan or subscription), charge (a charge added to an existing purchase by an admin), or refund (full or partial, performed by an admin). The type provides context, but does not change the meaning of any other column.
currency: The unit of all money amounts involved in the transaction, as a 3-letter ISO-4217 currency code.
early_discount: Amount by which a purchase transaction was discounted for early registration. Zero for non-purchase transactions.
discount_code: Discount code applied to a purchase transaction, or empty if none. Empty for non-purchase transactions.
discount_code_discount: Amount by which a purchase transaction was discounted via the discount code, or zero if none. Zero for non-purchase transactions.
from_buyer_owed: Amount the buyer promised to pay later (via an installment plan). Negative means a prior debt was discharged (either paid or canceled). Subscription payments do not involve this column, because there is no promise to pay anything later (the buyer can end the subscription at any time, and each period is paid at the start).
from_buyer_paid: Amount the buyer actually paid, excluding donations. Negative means received (via refund).
school_management_fee_owed: Portion of from_buyer_owed allocated to the school management fee.
school_management_fee_paid: Portion of from_buyer_paid allocated to the school management fee.
school_fee_paid: Portion of school_management_fee_paid allocated to the school (as opposed to 6crickets).
school_processing_fee_paid: Portion of school_fee_paid allocated for the payment processing fee.
to_school_paid: school_fee_paid − school_processing_fee_paid
school_donation: Amount the buyer donated to the school.
school_stripe_xref: Newline-separated IDs of Stripe objects on the school's Stripe account that were created during the transaction. Empty if the school's Stripe account was not involved (for example, to_school_paid is zero, or the purchase was created via Add Student with the “paid by other means” option). These IDs can be entered into the search box on the Stripe dashboard.
school_payout_date, school_payout_amount, school_payout_id: If there is an automatic Stripe payout to/from the school's bank account that includes this transaction, these columns contain its arrival date (yyyy-mm-dd), amount, and Stripe ID. A positive amount is a deposit into the bank, a negative amount is a withdrawal from the bank.
provider_charge_owed: Portion of from_buyer_owed allocated to the provider (including any commissions/fees).
provider_charge_paid: Portion of from_buyer_paid allocated to the provider (including any commissions/fees).
Columns containing data about the purchase associated with the transaction. These columns will have the same values for every transaction associated with a given purchase.
purchase_id: An opaque unique identifier for the associated purchase.
purchase_date_time: The date_time of the associated purchase.
purchase_confirmation_code: The confirmation code for the associated purchase. It is shared by all purchases made together in the same checkout flow.
buyer_email: Email address of the buyer.
buyer_name: Full name of the buyer.
child_name: The names of the children registered by the associated purchase, including any children who have since been unenrolled. If the purchase involved multiple children, their names are concatenated, separated by newlines.
seats_purchased: The number of seats associated with the purchase.
seats_now: The number of seats_purchased that have not been unenrolled (as of the time the report was generated).
One possible use for seats_purchased and seats_now is to provide context for discount_code_discount. For example, if discount_code indicates a 100% scholarship, the school may owe the provider the discount_code_discount, but if the student was unenrolled, that debt may be cancelled. Since the buyer paid nothing, there will be no refund, but the difference between seats_purchased and seats_now is a signal that the student was unenrolled.
subscription_start_date: Subscription start date of the associated purchase (yyyy-mm-dd). Empty if the purchase is not a subscription.
subscription_end_date: Subscription end date of the associated purchase (yyyy-mm-dd). Empty if the purchase is not a subscription or if the subscription has no end date.
Columns containing data about the session associated with the purchase associated with the transaction. These columns will have the same values for every transaction associated with a given session. If a registration has been transferred from one session to another, the new session is retroactively associated with the purchase.
session_code: Session code of the associated session. By default the session code is globally unique, but providers can assign their own session codes and reuse them across programs.
provider_name: Name of the provider of the associated session.
program_name: Name of the program of the associated session.
session_name: Name of the associated session (typically empty).
start_date: Start date of the associated session (yyyy-mm-dd).
start_time: Start time of the associated session (for example "02:30 PM").
end_date: End date of the associated session (yyyy-mm-dd).
end_time: End time of the associated session (for example "04:30 PM").
The From Date and To Date used to "Show Report" restrict payment dates, not session dates.
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