Your session dates and times may not work for everyone and it is difficult to gauge the time slots that work best. 6crickets' request-a-session feature addresses this uncertainty by letting parents request sessions and invite friends. This article shows how parents can ask for a new session and how 6crickets encourages them to invite friends to the new session to make it happen.
- Parents see the available sessions after clicking on the program card. Below the session cards, the question "Prefer other dates, days, times, or location?" invites them to click on the "Request another session" button.
- After clicking on "Request another session", this form for requesting a session pops up. Parents can choose to request a session with the same format, any format, or a custom format, and for a specific date range. They are also asked if they are willing to invite friends to help meet minimum enrollment.
- After clicking on "Submit", the request is sent to you. If you decide to create a session that meets the parameters, please list it on the marketplace and let know so they can notify the parent.
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