It is very important that you keep your contact information up-to-date on your provider profile. This information is provided to parents in their registration confirmation emails and is accessible through your provider page on 6crickets. When updating your contact information you will need to check both the “Business Profile” page and the “Account Settings” page. Below are instructions on where you’ll find them.
- Sign in to your provider dashboard at
- From the menu on the left under “Basic Setup” you’ll see both “Business Profile” and “Account Settings”.
- Go to each page and make updates as needed.
- Be sure to click the “Save” button after making changes on each page.
If you have any questions you can reach out to us at, or via online chat through our website by clicking the blue “Help” button at the lower-right corner of the browser window. We’re online between 8am and 5pm (Pacific Time), Monday to Friday.
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