If you have a large number of programs and/or sessions to upload to 6crickets, our power user interface is the best place to do this. You will be entering your class or camp information into a CSV file and uploading it to 6crickets from your Provider Dashboard. You can also make a bulk edit to existing sessions and programs from a downloaded CSV file.
To access the interface for power users
- Sign in to the Provider Dashboard.
- From the menu on the left, click on “Camps & Classes”, then click “Programs” or “Sessions List”.
- To the far right, click the button labeled “Interface for power users” and select “Programs” from the dropdown list to go to the power user interface for programs.
How to upload programs
You first need to prepare a CSV file to upload your programs. To the far right of the Programs section click the link labeled “Use file upload for large number of programs”. If there’s no program set up in your profile, please click on “Download Template” to download a CSV file. This file will be used as your template. If there are already some programs set up from your profile, click the “Download” button to download the existing programs, which might match your needs better than the general template.
Open the file in any spreadsheet application. Row 1 contains all the labels for the columns. Do not change anything in the header. You could use the following rows as a guide so you know what information goes where.
Important Note: The column labeled “program_code” needs to have a unique name in each row. We'd suggest a naming convention such as "year_season_sequenceNumber", e.g. 2020_Summer_001, to avoid potential issues with existing programs.
Once you’ve entered all your program information into the spreadsheet you can save or export it as a CSV file, and it is ready to be uploaded into 6crickets.
From the “Programs” section click on the pink “Upload” button, and then choose your CVS file to upload (as shown in the above screenshot).
Now all of your programs are ready to have sessions added to them.
How to Upload Sessions
Just like the programs file, you will need to prepare a CSV file for your sessions. Click on the “Sessions and Seats” bar at the bottom of the page to show the details.
Just like the programs section, click on the link to the far right labeled “Use file upload for large number of sessions”.
Then, you can click on the “Download Template” or “Download” button to download a CSV file to be used as a template.
We highly recommend creating programs and at least one session for that program from regular UI, then downloading the CSV file for existing programs & sessions by following the "Download" button and using that as a template.
- The "_code" columns are used to identify programs and sessions. Program_code is the unique identifier for a program within the scope of one provider, (program_code, term_code, session_code) is the unique identifier for a session.
- The column “program_code” should match one of the existing program codes. (the ones you uploaded by the program.csv)
- The column "term_code" works with the "session_code" column to make a session unique within a program. This column can be blank as long as "session_code" is unique within a program.
- The column “session_code” needs to be unique within the program it is associated with if "term_code" is blank. Sequential naming methods could be used, such as “session01”, “session02” etc.
- Note that if you want to add multiple reoccurring sessions to the same program, you need to give each session a unique session_code within this program.
- Columns "location_shorthand", "school_id" and "online_url" are used to indicate where the session will be held.
- The column "location_shorthand" needs to match one of the existing locations on your profile. Existing locations can be downloaded from the “Location” section at the top of the power user interface.
- The column "school_id" needs to match one of the schools in the 6crickets system. Please double-check with our support team (support@6crickets.com) for the id of your school.
- The column "online_url" is the video link for your online classes, which is required for online sessions. Another two columns related to online sessions are "online_time_zone"(required) and "online_url_note" (optional).
- A session could be both online and for a school, but if a session is held at a school and/or online the column "location_shorthand" must be left blank, and vise versa.
How to make a bulk update from the power user interface
The CSV files can also be used to make a bulk update.
- Download the CSV file for the program or session.
- Make updates only to certain columns and rows. You can even remove other columns to reduce the opportunities for unintended consequences (like clobbering recent changes made by someone else in other rows/columns that you didn't intend to touch), just note that the "_code" columns are always required. Any other rows and columns that are omitted in the CSV file will be left as-is.
- Save the CSV file after updating and upload it.
The general template is meant for sessions held at your own locations. If you have sessions held at schools or have some online sessions, we’d suggest setting up one or two programs and sessions in the same scenario from the regular interface, then download the CSV from the power user interface as a template, the required fields will all be included there.
Please feel free to contact us by <support@6crickets.com> or online chat (8am-5pm, Mon-Fri, Pacific Time) if there’re any questions.
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