This is how you can set extended care start and end times, along with a price for your extended care.
- Log into your provider dashboard (
- From the menu on the left, under "Camps & Classes", click on "Session List".
- Click on the session you want to add extended care to.
- Scroll toward the bottom of the page and click on the link labeled "+ add before/after care".
- The default option is "Same as the extended care specified for the chosen location or in the account settings". If you want to set up the extended care for this session only, select "Has extended care option". Then fill out the extended care options as they apply to you. You can set "Before-Care Start Time", "After-Care End Time", "Before-Care Price", "After-Care Price", and "Before-and-After-Care Price", and leave some notes as additional extended care info.
- Click the pink "Save" button at the bottom of the page.
Now extended care options will be presented to parents when they are going through checkout.
NOTE: The price you enter for extended care should be the price to cover the entire session, and not per day. If you allow parents to register per day or per hour for extended care, you do have the option to charge parents directly from the rosters page after they have registered for your class or camp.
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