There may be some cases where you will need to charge a parent's credit card, like if you accidentally refunded too much, or need to charge for late pickup, or a later registration fee. This is how you can process that charge from the Provider Dashboard (
- From the menu to the left, under "Rosters & Analytics", click on "Rosters (Refund, Attendance, Add Stude...".
- Click on the "Enrolled: #" link for the session the student is in. If the student is unenrolled, click on the "Unenrolled: #" link.
- Find the Student name and click the "Charge" button to the right.
- If this is a session with day selection, update the day selection as desired.
- Enter the amount you wish to charge, and any notes explaining the charge to the parents.
- Check 'Yes' for the question "Has the customer authorized this charge?" if it's been authorized.
- Click "Make the Charge".
The parent will receive an email notifying them of the charge with any notes you entered.
NOTE: You can also use the "Customer Browsing" page, under "Roster & Analytics", to find the student you wish to process a charge to.
NOTE: The charge amount will be charged in full even if the session is an installment session.
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