Discount codes are used just like coupons, and parents will use a discount code during the checkout process for their children’s registrations.
This is how you can create a discount code from the Provider Dashboard (
- From the menu on the left, under "Registration Setup", click "Discounts".
- Click the "Discount Codes" tab along the top.
- Click "Add Discount Code" to create a new discount code.
- Code: Enter the characters you want your discount code to be made up of. This is what parents will enter in the discount code field at checkout to receive the discount. (e.g.: 50off, Rtmz91!, DiscountSusan)
- Unit: Choose the unit of the discount, either dollar or percentage-based.
- Amount: Enter the desired numerical amount of the discount.
- Expiration Date: Select an expiration date. You can also leave this blank if you do not want the code to expire.
- Max Uses: This determines how many purchases the code can be used for. This can be left blank for unlimited uses.
- Max Uses Per User: This determines how many purchases one person can make using this code. This can also be left blank for unlimited uses.
- For Sessions: You can choose to restrict the sessions this code can be used for.
- Public: Choosing “Yes” means the discount code will be publicly displayed with the sessions it applies to. Otherwise, the discount code will be kept private and will only be known by people you provide the code to.
- Click the pink "Save" button when you've entered the desired settings for your new discount code.
Note: You also have the option to create an “add-on” code by using the $ unit and a negative amount. If such a discount code is public, it is displayed as an “add-on”. This is useful for collecting suggested donations or for offering any other add-on option.
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